Por favor, revisa estas páginas
Mirabel Madrigal -
Jessica Rabbit -
Buzz Lightyear -
Luisa Madrigal -
Rapunzel of Corona -
Elsa of Arendelle -
Dalmatians -
Todos los artículos (1663)
- Abby Mallard
- Abby Mallard (Actress)
- Abigail Callaghan
- Abigail Gabble
- Abner Countrymouse
- Abner Dixon
- Abu
- Aconcagua
- Acorn Mascot
- Adelaida Bonfamille
- Adelbert
- Adelbert's Father
- Adella
- Adorabeezle Winterpop
- Agent
- Agnarr of Arendelle
- Aguanoggin
- Agustín Madrigal
- Ajax the Gorilla
- Akela
- Aladar
- Aladar's Mother
- Aladdin (Personaje)
- Alameda Slim
- Alan-A-Dale
- Alana
- Alanis Morissette (Personaje)
- Alberto Scorfano
- Alcmena
- Alejandra
- Alexander (Pinocchio)
- Alice
- Alice Bluebonnet
- Alice's Sister
- Alien Police
- Aliens (Chicken Little)
- Alistair Krei
- Alligators
- Alma Madrigal
- Alma, Arturo, Hernando, Jorge, Montse & Tonito
- Alyson Lefebvrere
- Ambadatu
- Ambrose
- Amelia Gabble
- Amelia Smollett
- Amos Slade
- Amphitryon
- Anastasia Tremaine
- Anderson Guffstafsen
- Andrew Davis
- Andrina
- Angus MacBadger
- Animales (Encanto)
- Anita Radcliffe
- Ankylosaurus
- Anna of Arendelle
- Annette, Collette & Danielle
- Annie
- Antonio Madrigal
- Apatosaurus
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Apollo (Fantasia)
- April Duck
- Aquata
- Aracuan Bird
- Archaeopteryx
- Archdeacon
- Archimedes
- Archimedes Q. Porter
- Arendelle Guards
- Ares
- Arges
- Arianna of Corona
- Ariel
- Arista
- Art Framagucci
- Artemis
- Arthur (Virus)
- Arthur Pendragon
- Asha
- Astor
- Athena
- Atitãya
- Atropos
- Attila
- Attina
- Audrey
- Audrey Rocío Ramírez
- Aunt Sarah
- Aurora
- Avalonia
- Avalonia Creatures
- Azimuth
- B.E.N.
- Babe the Blue Ox
- Baboons
- Baby Weems
- Babyface
- Bacchus
- Backson
- Bagheera
- Baitmouse
- Baloo
- Balsam
- Baltus Van Tassel
- Bambi (Mofeta)
- Bambi (Personaje)
- Bambi's mother
- Bandar-log
- Banzai
- Bar waitress
- Barley Lightfoot
- Barrel of Monkeys
- Barry & Bob
- Barry DiCaprio
- Bartholomew
- Bashful
- Basil of Baker Street
- Baylene
- Baymax
- Bayou Animals
- Bazeema
- Beagle Boys
- Beard Papa
- Bears (Brother Bear)
- Beast
- Beef Tobin
- Beelzebub
- Bees
- Belle
- Ben
- Ben Ali Gator
- Ben Buzzard
- Benjamin Clawhauser
- Bent-Tail
- Bent-Tail Junior
- Bentina Beakley
- Beppo the Gorilla
- Berlioz
- Bernard
- Bertie Birdbrain
- Big Mama
- Big Nose
- Big Toot
- Bill Sykes
- Bill the Lizard
- Billie Robinson
- Billy Bones
- Billy Boss
- Billy, Goat & Gruff
- Bird Brain Mary
- Blackie
- Blake, Tom & Billy
- Blazey
- Blinko
- Blue Birds
- Blue Fairy
- Bo Peep
- Bob
- Bob the Narrator
- Bobby Catmull
- Bobo the Elephant
- Bolivar
- Bolt (Personaje)
- Bombie the zombi
- Bongo the Bear
- Bonnie Hopps
- Boomer
- Bootle Beetle (Personaje)
- Boreas (Fantasia)
- Boris
- Boun
- Bowser
- Boy (The Reluctant Dragon)
- Br'er Bear
- Br'er Fox
- Br'er Frog
- Br'er Rabbit
- Brachiosaurus
- Brad Scott
- Bread-and-Butterflies
- Brian Tobin
- Brom Bones
- Broomdog
- Brownstone National Park Bears
- Brudus
- Bruni
- Bruno
- Bruno Madrigal
- Bruton
- Brutus & Nero
- Buck
- Buck Cluck
- Bucky
- Bucky Bug
- Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
- Bud Robinson
- Buford